When someone apologises to you, the moment you answer "never mind", are you thinking of forgiving that person, or forgetting that incident?
Some people chose to forgive, and some people chose to forget... Please note that forgiving ain't the same with forgetting... Some people tend to only forget the incident, but not forgiving that person... And some people in this world, me, as an example, tend to forgive someone easily... However, want me to forget what had happened? Kill me please...
Just kidding...
XpTo me, it's just too difficult to forget incidents which hurt me in any form, especially the serious ones... It seems I'm so difficult to be friend with huh? Anyway, I just would like to highlight the truth... The truth remains, agree?
=P Some people might be complained to be "siu hei" just because the other people found out that he/she still remember what had happened in the past...
However, the main thing is about FORGIVING!! Come on, just be honest to yourself... You've forgotten all the bad incidents that happened to you last time? The question would become really different if I ask:
Have you forgiven the person? Perhaps
Chua Hunt da bounzz is the only one in this world who forgive + forget... At least, apparently yes, haha!! He rocks~
There's another group of people in this world, who I known them as FAKERS, will forgive someone apparently, and backstab the person like nobody's business after that... Ok, I think I shall dedicate them a post next time, I don't wish to make this post to be too long...
So, which group you belonged to?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Talking about forgiving, it definitely led me to a famous bible verse...
=)"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9 God is there to forgive our sins, whenever we're ready!! Thank God!!