Am back!! =D I survived, muahaha...
Haha!! Not that bad actually, not until the extent that I'll need to use the word "survive"... =) Overall, I think we're only suffering from the insufficient sleep + the FREEZING COLD weather... Like most of the boys say, this is nothing compared to the previous one at Lata Yuk...
My 3rd time for outdoor camp!! Experienced? Not really, compared to people like Mr. Tham still long way to go... I'm still kinda "cityboy" actually, haha!!
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Come, let me start from the beginning...
Due to the early departure in the Friday morning, we stayed overnight in YC at the night before... The moment I entered YC, many people looked at me and said "wah"... Of course I asked, "why?"... Later on only I realised they actually saw me carrying very little stuff...

Through my experience, I think these are enough for a 4days 3 nights outdoor camp... =P
Anyway, I saw quite a lot of first timers for outdoor camp this time round, maybe later on they'll understand why I bring so little stuff, hehe... That night, we had our group discussions and also our last check up for equipments... Most of us slept in YC for countless times, but eventually that night we hardly got into sleep...
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We got into bus early in the morning...

Isaac brought bananas for his group, haha!!

My group leader- Xian Lum, just came back from SPM... *Ahem* Will this actually help to keep the vege fresh? Xp
Yeah, most of us even have insufficient sleep in the first night at YC... Therefore, we took the time in the bus to sleep and rest... We had our breakfast in the bus... The journey took us for around 5 hours, and we reached Brinchang finally!!

The entrance of our campsite...

Of course, the first thing we did was setting up the tent... And this is my group's!! =)

Captain briefed us...

Our dinner for the first night!! Cool?

Worship + Sharing... Before leaving to the night trekking!!
Ok stop for awhile... =P In fact it was the first trekking in my life!! It was a night trek to Parit Falls... What can I say about night trekking? Hmm... It was cooling, it was fun, it was about TEAMWORK!!
Yeah, since it is at night, we could not see the surrounding clearly with just one torch light in our hand... Therefore, what we did was kept on passing the messages from the front/the ranger to the back, and sometimes passing the message to the front to ask everyone to pause awhile, for the people at the back to catch up... If you're not sure, we're actually moving in a single file... =)
And not forgetting, the thing that we kept on trying to avoid... The MUD, a.k.a. "Bluek"... Haha!!

The "Pit Stop" in between...

Taw Wei asked me to take a picture of his WHITE Pallas shoes... =.="
(The consequence of stepping on the mud)
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Breakfast- Pasta... *I guess we both are really good in acting/posing... Xp
According to the timetable, we're supposed to trek in the morning... Sadly, the ranger FFK us and we're informed that we're not going to trek on that day... Therefore, we swapped our activities on day2 with activities on day3, which consists of more free time... And I actually took some time to walk around and take some pictures of the campsite... =)

These are officers' + parents' tents... 2 of our groups had also set up their tents there... *Another 2 groups' tents were set up another side (my group was one of them)

Officers' kitchen...

The BB flag!! We hoisted it up after we've completed our night trek successfully... =D

The place where we washed dishes and legs... *Not at the same time la of course...

The stream...

Group4's kitchen I think... So pack eh, wonder they were longing to cook or longing for the food, haha!!

Madam Wendy was guiding them at the side... This actually caused the following question & answer to appear...
"So next time you know what to bring for camp?"
"Madam Wendy!!" XD

My group's leader & chef were doing food check... =P
Hey, don't think I didn't contribute anything for my group... I was the main person who did the camp craft... =) Anyway, I still haven't get the picture of my group's banner, will show you guys later, hehe...
And there was a time the officers called us...

... and thought us how to prepare mud chicken!! XD

At the same time, Mr. Tham thought us how to build up BIG fire... @.@

Another view of the stream...

My group's kitchen... On fire? Haha!!

I saw this in the kitchen...

... and I modified it!! =D

Nicholas, 12 years old... Conroy's cousin... He is small in size, and cute, haha!!
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We went to trek, without the rangers...
Guess what my officers did? They just looked through the map, carry their bags and led the whole company to trek in the jungle... This is the reason that I salute them sincerely from my heart, with them I'm so confident that I'm not going to get lost in the jungle... =)

This time round to Gunung Berumbun...

Bloated bun, haha!!

And we eventually reached the TOP of the mountain!!

Gunung Berumbun, we conquered!! I think it's the highest part of Cameron Highlands... Correct me if I'm wrong... =)

Going up is tiring, going down is SLIDING, haha!!

A place where we stopped by...

Come on we're reaching the flat ground!!

(When I looked up)
YEAH!! I did it!! My turn watching the others coming down, muahaha~

(When I looked down)
It was raining on day2 & day3... Before the trekking, Madam Wendy told us there's landslide in Ampang which ruined many houses... Most of us were like: =O Anyway, the place we camped and trekked were quite safe, so I didn't worry much about it...
However, the mud is the thing that caused us troubles, and fun actually... ^^ During the trek, I was behind Jacob and in front of Thomas... Eventually many laughters turned up within us, since Jacob kept on stepping on mud (which helped us to know where the mud locates Xp), and Thomas kept on sliding!! He said his shoe has no friction, roar!!
I, being the one walking in front of Thomas, was slid down by him for 4 or 5 times... =.=" This is really funny, just imagine my situation... I was walking half way through the mud, going to reach the dry spot (which is not slippery)... Suddenly he slid me from the back!! And both of us fell on mud... How innocent!! HAHAHA...
Sorry, I'm actually laughing while typing the paragraph just now... The funniest one will be the one that I was opening up my legs, and he slid in between my legs!! Luckily he got to hold my waist, and I was holding the plants and the side... If not... I guess he'll slide through and hit Jacob and the people at the front, haha!!
Ok, let's come back to the photos... It was night presentation then...

Every group performed one cheer, one song and one sketch...

Boys were relaxing and enjoying the shows...

Parents and children were watching also...

Officers were evaluating...

It was sharing time then...
And something horrible happened that night!!
Officers bathed some boys in the midnight!! Haha!! Too bad I missed the show, don't know how would it be like, that the boys who were bathed with the ice-cold water cannot shout, haha!!
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It was the last day then...
We packed up and were breaking our tents... And before we left, we had the prize giving ceremony... After rounds of voting, we got the winners for "Most Caring Member", "Most Hardworking Member", "Best Camper 16years old & above", and "Best Camper 15years old & below"...
Eventually I turned up to be the "Most Hardworking Member" =.=" I really didn't expect it... Among so many camps that I've attended, this is the camp which I think I worked the least, and yet I got the award... =.=" Anyway, the boys really "give face", thank you, haha!!
And there comes the 2 awards which I really concerned about... The "Best Performance Group", which referring to the presentations at the night before, and the "Best Group" award... *Ahem* Of course, my group turned up to be the "Best Performance Group"... ^^
Let me end this post with this photo...

Can you imagine my group was actually sleeping on this for 3 nights? *With a ground sheet on it of course, haha!!